Fun facts from the Dungeon Masters Guide
- I get a +15% on my morale when I am greatly intoxicated. I have a feeling this is more for the "alcohol" than "narcotics" because during my narcotic experiences, I would not necessarily say that I more likely to continue the fight than I am to continue the narcotic.
- Somehow, I get +3 hit points when I am 15 pipe loads into Garwin Treefather's super stash of crimson widow weed. Almost makes the loss of dexterity and attack dice worthwhile. Plus I am a half-orc; what do I care about charisma?
- I must say, I like the idea of finding the stage beyond great that allows me to go comatose and sleep for 10 hours. Frankly, I see this as a benefit, not a drawback.

- Far be it from me to argue with the DMG; it has been part of my prime material plane life for almost 40 solar cycles, but time is not the only cure for intoxication. There are many spells that will handle it, and I bet a potion of super healing can take the edge right off that hangover or drug-fiend lean. Also, what about a brew that the local shaman puts together? I am sure that more than one tribal priest has a darn fine recipe for shaking off the shakes.

"Reefer Madness" is the opening song on Hawkwind's 1976 album, Astounding Sounds, Amazing Music. Can't say this is my favorite Hawkwind LP, but it, like every other Hawkwind recording, will have weird bits.
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