Sunday, October 13, 2019

Lost Johnnies

There isn't much to be said for being totally lost in the wilderness. I am not talking about being a couple hexes off from where a lost city is supposed to be or anything like that. That is to be expected while adventuring. Oftentimes, these accidents turn into fun excursions where a little extra mayhem falls into the party's lap: there might be a bandit lair or a gnoll gathering to stumble on between where you are supposed to go and where you are.

No, I am talking about when the party is totally lost, when not even having a druid, elf, or gnome is going to help. Sometimes this is the result of a blind flight from enemies bigger and more violent; sometimes this lost-ness is the result of a spiteful magic-user who maybe holds a grudge against a certain half-orc because of that certain half-orc's earlier attempts to acquire a scroll from the previously mentioned magic-user. One segment, three of us are partying in a semi-respectable tavern and the next segment, we find ourselves in the middle of Dim Forest, wondering which way is even out. Tricks like looking for moss on one side of a tree or following a stream don't work when you have no idea about where the stream leads. Granted, the stream usually leads to a village, hamlet, or duchy, but who is to say that this village is filled with people you want to meet? Sometimes, as is the above case, the village isn't really a village; it is a collection of hovels recently invaded by a tribe of ogres. Thankfully, these ogres were not expecting three semi-high-level adventurers to come traipsing out of the tree line. After giving the ogres the old one-two-kill-kill and poking around in their no-longer-needed possessions, we found a couple hundred gold pieces and a gem that could have bought us all horses, had we been in a place with an active horse-trading business. Alas, the middle of the Dim Forest is not that place. So we walked and walked and walked and eventually found our way out.

I still owe that magic-user one.

"Lost Johnny" is a Lemmy tune and a pretty good one at that.

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