Saturday, October 26, 2019

To the Lagoons

I am not one to take many trips to the far-most southern parts of Greyhawk. I can't say as I love the Lords of the Isles; I mean, I don't like lords in general, and I certainly don't want a bunch of self-appointed lords to tell me where I can and can't sail a ship. Although, to be fair, I can't sail a ship, but hey, that is my business, not some gussied-up pirate's business. If I want to sail a ship directly in wind and have it sink because I have no idea what I am doing or even if a ship can sail into the wind, by Rudd's luck card, I will. 

Also, I don't like ships that much. Aquatic combat is uncertain at best and having to protect three dimensions instead of two is not that great. It is one thing if the other tactical plane is above, and it is another, worse thing when it is below. First, there is the problem of breathing, which is not generally a concern when fighting something in the air. Second, everything is slowed down when fighting on, or in, the water. Ever shoot a crossbow from a skiff? Let me tell you, it sucks. Even worse is combat in the water. The water is never warm; cuts, parries, and all the rest of sword craft is gone; and good luck if you prepared for the adventure by putting metal armor on. Sure, sometimes it is fine to have leather or padded armor: in the business, it is called second level. Unless that boiled leather is magical, look for an upgrade as soon as possible. I can't count the times my chainmail +2 has saved my hide, and I can count pretty high since someone has to count all my treasure.

Anyway, leave the sailing to the merfolk or, really, whomever else want to do it. As long as it isn't me, have at it.

"City of Lagoons" is the end of side A.

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