Thursday, October 17, 2019


I have never had the pleasure of encountering a skeleton warrior, to which I am not altogether sad. Don't get me wrong, getting a hold of one of their gold circlets would be outstanding. Getting to see through the eyes of one of these name-level-fear-inspiring monstrosities has to be fun. Pretty much any person, semi-person, demi-person, or personoid who sees you is going to flee in panic, hopefully dropping their wallets as a result. Granted, as a half-orc, I am not exactly blessed with an astronomical comeliness score and most other races already treat me with antipathy, but the local inhabitants of Crockport aren't going to drop everything in terror when they see me. But show up as a skeletal warrior, and all the footpads, tricksters, conjurers, scouts, gallants, swordsmen, and curates are going to hit the skids.

Also, skeletal warriors only exist to find out who has their gold circlet and kill them. Apparently, they can get their souls back once they have possession of their circlet, and, although the Fiend Folio is fairly vague on this part, I assume they de-animinate and head off to the Beastlands or The Grey Waste or wherever they were headed before an evil demi-god gave them the old soul trap. I guess getting the circlet is a mixed blessing. On one paw, there is the ability to scare the dung out of local yokels; on the other, wearing the headpiece draws a quite powerful and extremely focused undead fighter towards you with pretty much one thing on its exceptionally intelligent mind.

"Warriors" is far-out material. Easy to see that Moorcock helped with this one.

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