Not to be confused with a werewolf, the wolfwere is, at least according to the Monster Manual II, hated and feared by human and demihuman alike. To me, this says two things. First, that someone out there is okay with werewolves. Second, that humanoids don't have a problem with wolfweres. Now, I can see how a person might be okay with a werewolf: they can be tragic figures. It might be a familial curse that they transform every month from Duke Suchandsuch to the countryside mangler. For 28 days of the month, you are a regular merchant or wheelwright or cobbler and for the other days, you are ripping through bodices and jerkins. There isn't much anyone can do for these werewolves outside of hitting them with a remove curse. To be fair, there is a bunch of stuff that can be done to a werewolf, but remove curse is the only one that usually leaves them alive. Hitting a werewolf with an eight hit die fireball, for example, will eliminate the werewolf problem, but it also might make the three-year old son of Duke Suchandsuch the new Duke quite quickly. No, the thing I really have a problem with is the assumption that humanoids wouldn't have a problem with wolfweres. I am half-humanoid, and these guys sound terrible. Not only are they pretty tough and sneaky, their howling song causes lethargy in people who hear it. I have been afflicted with many things in my time: several forms of disease, sexually transmitted and otherwise; mania and monomania thanks to magic-user I once angered; memory loss after too much of a good time. But never lethargy. I would have a serious problem with some fake human trying to get me to slow down. I don't usually consider myself a spokesperson for my race, but this time I will: humanoids also have a problem with wolfweres.
"Steppenwolf" turned out to be better than I remembered it. These Halloween postings keep paying off.
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